Conrad of Opole and his work

Józef Koredczuk

Uniwersytet Opolski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji


In his contribution, the author presents Conrad of Opole, who was the author of the manuscripts of The Saxon Mirror, prepared for Cracow and Wroclaw (the so-called Versio Wratislaviensis), and then other sources of Magdeburg law (such as the Magdeburg Weichbild). The author of this article concentrates on the creation of these monuments of law, but also on their significance for the development of urban law in Poland as the basis for the location and system of cities in Poland. Moreover, these reflections provide an opportunity to present the mutual relations between Wroclaw and Cracow during their location.


Conrad of Opole, Landrecht, town location, Magdeburg law, Versio Vratislaviensis, the Magdeburg Weichbild, the Saxon Mirror

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Cited by

Koredczuk, J. (2019). Conrad of Opole and his work. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(4 (1), 29–38.


Józef Koredczuk




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