Jean Jacques Rousseau as a constitutionalist. His projects for Corsica and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (part I)

Zbigniew Filipiak

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Prawa i Administracji


In the Age of Enlightenment, the concepts of legal reforms were often proposed by literary men, publicists and philosophers. The vision of a breakthrough was exciting – they believed in the benevolent power of new, just regulations that would heal humanity, eradicate exploitation and social inequalities. Jean Jacques Rousseau, one of the most famous but controversial thinkers of the era, thought in a similar way. The dissertation concerns his two constitutional projects - written for Corsica (Part I) and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Part II). The first part presents events that decided that the philosopher from Geneva dealt with the issue of a small island in the Mediterranean, trying to consolidate its barely won independence. However, the focus is on the very concepts of the political and social system planned for Corsica by Rousseau, referring them to the previous works of the thinker. His radical solutions expressed his broader views on civilization, the state, law and people. In part II of the article, they will be confronted with the project prepared for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


Rousseau, constitution, Corsica, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Enlightenment, democracy

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Filipiak, Z. (2019). Jean Jacques Rousseau as a constitutionalist. His projects for Corsica and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (part I). The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(4 (1), 107–121.


Zbigniew Filipiak 




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