The provision of article 161 of the Administrative proceedings act as creating a special kind of sanctions in administrative law?

Agnieszka Skóra

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


According to Article 161 of the Code of Administrative proceedings, the relevant minister or province governor (Wojewoda) may repeal or amend – as necessary – any final decision if one cannot remove the state threatening human life or health or prevent major damage to the national economy or to vital interests of the State. A participant of such proceedings may demand compensation for actual harm from the authorities (minister or local governor). The institution enables the elimination of all legal decisions and decisions which are illegal. Thus it can be considered to be a special administrative sanction.


administrative decision, administrative authority, elimination of decisions, administrative sanction, administrative law


Cited by

Skóra, A. (2017). The provision of article 161 of the Administrative proceedings act as creating a special kind of sanctions in administrative law?. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 15(1), 79–91.


Agnieszka Skóra 




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