Ideological disputes about the history of Polish parliamentarianism

Janusz Byliński

Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The history of the Polish parliamentarianism has aroused numerous disputes since long due to many factors, causing difficulties in determining the beginnings of existence of this institution in the former Poland. The basic problem emerged in the distinction of the term “Sejm” (“Polish Parliament”) from the earlier rallies, court veches, local conventions or those covering larger areas of the country, or even all-state conventions, summoned by the particular regional dukes and after the unification of the state by monarchs. The disputes were related to the critical look at the role of Parliament in the history of the state: some glorified it, others expressed their critical view, determined by the historical school which the particular author belonged to. During those disputes, the final form was gained by the Polish Parliament as a bicameral parliament with the king, as one of the states, with the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in the years 1493–1505.


parliament, Sejm, nobility, king, historians


Byliński, J. (2016). Ideological disputes about the history of Polish parliamentarianism. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 14(3), 9–43.


Janusz Byliński 




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