Alternative electoral laws. A case study of Australia and Ireland

Michał Urbańczyk

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


The essence of democracy is the rule of the sovereign, that is the nation, today understood as all of the state’s citizens. At present, the most common type of governance is representative democracy, exercised by representatives elected from the citizens themselves. Therefore, for the proper functioning of liberal democracy it is difficult to find a more important issue than the procedure for the election of those who govern us. The article presents two alternative electoral systems: an alternative voting system (AV) and the system of Single Transferable Vote (STV).


electoral system, electoral law, elections, parliament, AV, STV, voting alternative, single transferable vote, preferential voting, Ireland, Australia

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Cited by

Urbańczyk, M. (2016). Alternative electoral laws. A case study of Australia and Ireland. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 14(3), 193–207.


Michał Urbańczyk 




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