The constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 as a guarantee of protection of freedom of economic activity

Małgorzata Magdziarczyk

Politechnika Opolska. Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania. Katedra Własności Intelektualnej, Prawa Administracyjnego i Europejskiego


The article deals with the issue of freedom of economic activity with reference to Polish constitutional law and presents the manner of its perception resulting from the latter. This freedom, on the one hand, is presented as a constitutional principle of the economic system and, on the other hand – as one of the guaranteed constitutional freedoms of people and citizens.


freedom of economic activity, Polish constitutional law

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Cited by

Magdziarczyk, M. (2019). The constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 as a guarantee of protection of freedom of economic activity. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 17(1), 163–171.


Małgorzata Magdziarczyk



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