Protection of interests of the notified body within the assessment system of conformity with the essential requirements in the polish and the eu legislation – selected administrative issues

Agieszka Żywicka

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


The category of a notified body is inherently connected with the system of product conformity assessment. Evaluation of a product compliance with essential requirements constituting the European quality assurance mechanism for non-food products placed on the EU single market for goods is aimed at consumers’ health and safety protection. Moreover, it is to ensure a free movement of products. Notified bodies conduct conformity certification against the relevant requirements of the applicable technical harmonisation directive, hence their crucial role in the conformity assessment system. Notified body accreditation requires organisations to obtain a relevant administrative decision, under consideration of the requirements of Community law. The article presents the authorisation process for the provision of conformity assessment services, as well as the legal instruments which safeguard the rights of bodies applying for the appointment.


notification, notified body, product conformity assessment

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Cited by

Żywicka, A. (2019). Protection of interests of the notified body within the assessment system of conformity with the essential requirements in the polish and the eu legislation – selected administrative issues. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 17(1), 195–203.


Agieszka Żywicka



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