Judicial protection of the rights of an individual acting as an organ in the local government

Monika Chlipała

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie. Wydział Finansów i Prawa


The article refers to the issue of judicial protection of the rights of an individual acting as an organ (also a member of an organ) in the local government. The author presents two situations in which the judicial protection of these rights is important. The first includes cases where the individual violates the law, which leads to specific actions (e.g. confirmation of expiryof the mandate) and justifies the need to provide judicial protection. The second category includes situations in which the resignation from performing the function in the local government takes place, which – especially in the case of withdrawal of the statement of resignation – raises the need to provide judicial protection. The considerations presented in the article focus on the judicial protection of the rights of the individual in the proceedings before the administrative court.


judicial protection of an individual’s rights, organs of the local government, complaint to the administrative court

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Cited by

Chlipała, M. (2019). Judicial protection of the rights of an individual acting as an organ in the local government. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 17(1), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.25167/osap.1507


Monika Chlipała 




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