The representative system in the views of Boris Chicherin

Mikołaj Tarkowski

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


The article is devoted to the representative system, which was one of the elements of the social and political thought of the Russian philosopher Boris Chicherin, who worked in the second half of the nineteenth century. The author analyzes the structure of national representation and the factors which – according to Boris Chicherin – weakened or strengthened the system. In this article, the author emphasizes the role of different factors: social groups (aristocracy, middle class), political liberty and property, that were important for the formation of representative institutions. The analysis of the representative system would not be possible without presenting the basic outline of the conservative-liberal philosophy of the Russian thinker.


conservative liberalism, representative system, ownership, aristocracy, middle class

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Cited by

Tarkowski, M. (2016). The representative system in the views of Boris Chicherin. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 14(2), 159–169.


Mikołaj Tarkowski 




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