The parliamentary activity of Jan Olrych Szaniecki

Tomasz Dolata

Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The article concerns the parliamentary activity of one of the greatest deputies of the Parliament of the Polish Kingdom of the constitutional era – Jan Olrych Szaniecki, who was wellknown, among others, as a spokesman for the interests of peasants (a supporter of universal abolition of serfdom and conferment of land ownership on peasants) during the sessions of Parliament of 1825 and 1830 and in the period of the November Uprising, and prior to that – as an outstanding lawyer. His activity is very little exposed in the contemporary historical-legal doctrine, yet worth paying attention to.


Jan Olrych Szaniecki, fighting for the rights of peasants, Parliament of the Polish Kingdom, parliamentarism

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Dolata, T. (2016). The parliamentary activity of Jan Olrych Szaniecki. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 14(2), 171–181.


Tomasz Dolata 




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