Protective measures in amended criminal code

Ryszard A. Stefański

Uczelnia Łazarskiego w Warszawie


The issue of the article are precautions reformed by the Act of 20 February 2015. The following were discussed: the purpose of precautions, the principles of their predications (the principles of necessity and proportionality), a catalog of precautions, including an electronic control of location, therapy, therapy of addictions, stay in the psychiatric unit, measures of an administrative nature, presumptions to predicate precautions, namely committing a criminal act in the state of insanity or limited soundness of mind, a conviction for certain offenses in relation to the disorder of sexual preferences or personality disorder, a conviction for an offense committed in connection with alcohol addiction, intoxicant addiction or other substance with similar effect, the duration of precautions, predication of precautions after the sentence and renewed predication of a precaution.


offense, electronic control of location, stay in the psychiatric unit, precaution, therapy, addiction therapy


Cited by

Stefański, R. A. (2016). Protective measures in amended criminal code. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 14(1), 9–24.


Ryszard A. Stefański 




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