Interpenetration of civil-law and administrative-legal elements in new administrative procedures – a case study of the proceedings concerning re-use of information of public sector forwarded on request

Mateusz Błachucki

Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN

Grzegorz Sibiga

Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN


The article analyses the fundamental and specific institutions of special administrative proceedings concerning re-use of Public Sector Information. The analysis aims at identifying how civil and administrative law elements penetrate each other, forming new procedural institutions. The findings show that the shape of those institutions is justified by the specific subject matter of the proceedings. For the same reason a wider application of these new institutions is rather unlikely.


re-use of public sector information, special administrative procedure, agreements in public administration

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Cited by

Błachucki , M., & Sibiga , G. (2019). Interpenetration of civil-law and administrative-legal elements in new administrative procedures – a case study of the proceedings concerning re-use of information of public sector forwarded on request. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (1), 21–32.


Mateusz Błachucki  


Grzegorz Sibiga  




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