Mapping epidemiological threats as an example of the multiform character of public administration

Marcin Janik

Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji


The article is dedicated to pointing out and discussing the challenges which are encountered by epidemiological supervisory authorities in the face of globalization. In the first part, an analysis of the International Health Regulations (IHR), which create the basis of the global epidemiological supervision, is presented. In the light of these regulations, the decision instruments necessary to estimate the risk in the case of infectious diseases will be determined. In the second part, the author discusses an extremely interesting problem connected with the so-called spatial epidemiology, which deals with mapping of the location and intensity of diseases. Determining the appropriate repositories, using information based on unofficial reports and activities of electronic media and community portals in it, will be important for the conducted analysis. It is significant, because more and more often the opinion that progress in fighting epidemics can be made through using the so-called cognitive surplus appearing on the basis of crowdsourcing in the decision making process is winning more and more popularity.


international health regulations, epidemiological supervision, diseases mapping, infodemiology

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Cited by

Janik, M. (2018). Mapping epidemiological threats as an example of the multiform character of public administration. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (1), 43–53.


Marcin Janik 



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