Enforcement of the judgment of the administrative court declaring an act of local law invalid

Krzysztof Sobieralski

Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii


The constitutional right to the court is the right to effective legal protection. It may be exercised if the law provides for the legal measures to ensure enforceability of the judgments. Local law enacted by the local government authority constitutes the source of universally binding law. Polish administrative courts exercise the control over hierarchical compatibility of a local legal act with the higher-order acts. This control is of comprehensive character, as the administrative court is not bound by the objectives indicated in the complaint, nor by the legal basis presented by the complainant. If the complaint against an act of local law is accepted, the administrative court renders its judgment declaring this act invalid. Frequently, a local law act which is invalidated constitutes the legal basis for an administrative decision (tax decision) or an order. Therefore, the enforcement of the judgment of the administrative court declaring a local law act invalid relates to an individual act. The legislator indicated that such acts may be challenged in accordance with the procedure determined in the administrative proceedings or specific proceedings. The author formulates and justifies the thesis that the most appropriate procedure of the enforcement of the described court ruling in the case of a specific decision is the reopening of the administrative proceedings (tax proceedings).


enforcement of a judgment, administrative court, judgment, administrative decision , local law act, reopening of the administrative proceedings (tax proceedings), sanction of invalidity

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Cited by

Sobieralski , K. (2019). Enforcement of the judgment of the administrative court declaring an act of local law invalid. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (1), 141–154. https://doi.org/10.25167/osap.212


Krzysztof Sobieralski  




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