Legal definition of the “account” at the stage of legal regulation of employee capital plans. Polemical comments

Anna Lichosik

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The study will present the legal definitions of the “account” accepted by the project provider on the basis of individual draft Act on employee capital plans, i.e. the draft Act on employee capital plans of February 8, 2018, the draft act on employee plans of capital dated 24 May 2018 draft of the Act on Employee Capital Plans of 4 July 2018, as well as on the ground of the finally passed Act on Employee Capital Plans of 4 October 2018, the draft act on employee plans of capital dated 20 August 2018, the draft act on employee plans of capital dated 27 August 2018. In such a concept, a work arrangement has been planned, i.e. by reference to specific regulations of the proposed projects and the act, considerations regarding the definition of a legal “account” will be presented.


account, investments, fund

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Cited by

Lichosik, A. (2020). Legal definition of the “account” at the stage of legal regulation of employee capital plans. Polemical comments. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 18(1), 91–104.


Anna Lichosik




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