Report on the International Scientific Conference on ‘Contemporary threats to parental responsibility. Selected legal aspects’ organised within the framework of the 2022 Central European Professors Network (Miskolc, Hungarian Academy of Science, 5 December

Maria Masłowiec

Hungarian Academy of Science


This paper aims at providing comprehensive report on the conference on ‘Contemporary threats to parental responsibility. Selected legal aspects’ held on 5 December 2022 in Miskolc organised by University of Miskolc – Central European Academy as a part of the Central European Professors Network. The presentation of individual papers by conference participants from Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia will be included. The conference was the final event of the activities of the research group on parental responsibility, the outcome of which will be publishing of the monograph.

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Cited by

Masłowiec, M. (2023). Report on the International Scientific Conference on ‘Contemporary threats to parental responsibility. Selected legal aspects’ organised within the framework of the 2022 Central European Professors Network (Miskolc, Hungarian Academy of Science, 5 December. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 21(1), 223–230.


Maria Masłowiec 



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