The justice problem by Protoisaiah
An cognitiv-exegetic analysis. Part two
Marek Bernard Dziony
Instytut Nauk Teologicznych UOAbstract
This article is in the context of cognitive-eggetic research on the text of Scripture. On the one hand, it hooks into the area of linguistics, but takes a step further, towards the exegesis of the prophetic text, in this case the Proto-Isaiah text. The aim of such an approach is to try to assess the usefulness of the method of cognitive linguistics for the analysis and interpretation of the biblical text, and to determine how innovative the results of this type of analysis are, and to what extent it confirms the achievements to date. The research uses the method of conceptual metaphor in the definition given by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. As a cognitive method, it gives the possibility of a synchronous study of the text, allowing us to penetrate the thinking of the people of the time when the work was created. As a result of the analysis of the text, this method gives a comprehensive picture of the issues of justice that emerges from the text of the book Proto-Isaiah. The research has shown that this method is most suitable for the exegesis of the sacred text, showing a holistic picture of the problem under investigation and its evolution. However, it should be stipulated that only a selected aspect can be studied with this method, and that studying multiple threads simultaneously can lead to chaos and a lack of concrete results. Although the method itself rather confirms the analyses made so far, its innovation is attested to by the fact that it gives a holistic view of the phenomenon under investigation.
justice, injustice, prophet Isaiah, konceptual metaphor, ideaReferences
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