Jesus as the Servant of Yahweh as interpreted in the Gospel of Matthew

Mariola Bernach

Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Teologiczny


The context of the study was an attempt to compare the Old Testament term “Servant of Yahweh” with the image of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Critical-literary and comparative methods were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the image of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew correlates with the image of the Servant of Yahweh in the Book of Isaiah. The conclusions that were drawn are that Matthew was inspired by the Old Testament to describe Jesus in his Gospel.


Isaiah, Gospel of Matthew, Servant of Yahweh, Old Testament, New Testament, critical-literary method, comparative method

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Cited by

Bernach, M. (2022). Jesus as the Servant of Yahweh as interpreted in the Gospel of Matthew. Scriptura Sacra, (25), 139–208.


Mariola Bernach 



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