Jerusalem-Samaritan antagonisms in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
Mateusz Kandzia
Opole University, Faculty of TheologyAbstract
The context of the study was to better understand the issue described by the Chronicler of the Jews’ rebuilding of the Temple Mount and the walls of Jerusalem and the conflicts with the Samaritans related to these actions. The broad historical, cultural and religious background of the genesis of the Samaritan community allows such a view.
The purpose of the study was to show the antagonisms between Jews and Samaritans described in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. It is an attempt to synthesize what can be found in the literature on the formation of the Samaritan community and Jewish-Samaritan relations in the period from the settlement of the Israelites in Palestine to the time of the restoration of Judah after the return from the Babylonian captivity (539 B.C.). The method of intertextual and comparative analysis of selected biblical and extra-biblical texts was used.
The results of the effort do not allow answering the question of when exactly the so-called Samaritan schism took place. Nor does it bring resolution to other contentious issues concerning the history of Jewish–Samaritan relations, since it does not cover the further history of relations between Jews and Samaritans, especially the important period of the Machabaean wars or the reign of the Hasmonean dynasty. By focusing on the writings of the Chronicler, one can better understand the genesis of later events and their impact on the formation of the Samaritan community
Samaritans, Judeans (Jews), Jerusalem, Book of Ezra, Book of Nehemiah, return from Babylonian exile, history of Israel, Bible, antagonismsReferences
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Mateusz KandziaMatthew Kandzia, MA – a graduate of the Faculty of Theology at Opole University. He defended his master's thesis "Jerusalem-Samaritan Antagonisms in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah" written under the supervision of Rev. Dr. Andrew Demitrów in 2016.
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