The original Pentecostal experience and its aspects by Acts 2:1–4:38 in the context of religious experience
The roots of modern Pentecostalism are to be found in the texts of the New Testament, especially in the Acts of the Apostles. They describe how the Holy Spirit worked in the early church and how it was experienced by the first Christians.
The author analyzes the issue of the original Pentecostal experience in light of Acts 2:1-4.38. He discusses the essence of religious experience as the “experience of the Spirit”. The Pentecostal experience is both an individual and a communal one. It is not a finite, one-time experience but a repeatable one. Moreover, the essence of the Pentecostal experience of God is its missionary aspect. The “experience of the Holy Spirit” opens a new type of relationship between man and God, but also between man and another man.
Pentecostalism, Pentecostal experience, Holy Spirit, Acts of the Apostles, Pentecost, “baptism with the Holy Spirit”, “all together”, πίμπλημι, pimplēmiReferences
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dr Dominik Tomczyk
Dominik Tomczyk – doktor teologii, Wydział Teologiczny Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie, wykładowca teologii biblijnej Nowego Testamentu w Pentekostalnym Seminarium Teologicznym w Krakowie. Jest autorem wielu artykułów naukowych z zakresu charyzmatycznego pentekostalizmu i teologii biblijnej. Zainteresowania badawcze: zagadnienie nowotestamentowego apostolatu i charyzmatów w Corpus Paulinum, bogactwo i finanse w Biblii.
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