Egypt in the time of Isaiah
Michał Ezechiel Adamski OFM
Wydział Teologiczny UOAbstract
Isaiah shows how deceptive the trust of Israel to Egypt can be, which once was treated as the most important ally. However, God did not let to forget about himself. The nation, who went away so far from the Alliance and started to believe only in their own strength instead of Yahweh, will have to pay the price of their next leaving from the only God.
In the meantime, as the prophet says, Egypt has to face Assyrian invasion and cruel deportations from the Assyria side. Isaiah realises, that Egypt, although in VIII century led lively diplomacy, now is not military involved. It is just a game leading to the weakening of the Assyria Monarchy, not to common, fair action.
The next context presents Egypt as the one of the countries, where Jews live. God is going to gather the scattered nation with its raised right hand. Yahweh also makes, that there will be a peace and an internal Israel unity. Isaiah explains that God will never stop taking care of the chosen , when they will be coming back scattered.. The God will lower the rivers level for them to be able to cross them safely as it was in Mazes times. Yahweh is a special defender and carer of his nation, he is their only right superior. Israel will also be His servant, if it only turns to God. This moment is also mentioned by the prophet. By the scattering of Israel, pagan nations had the possibility to know the God truth, so they also have the chance for a salvation and getting the Yahweh blessing.
In the history of Chosen Nation, Egypt always has its unchallengeable place. It was a salvation for Israel and a great joy, but it also was the reason of the fall and leaving from the only God. It was a fertile country, where hungry patriarch look for a shelter, as well as exiles and fugitives. Egypt was also the centre of culture and wisdom. It always was the model for Hebraist longing for a powerful country. On the other side it was a country of magic and idolatrous beliefs, which receded a lot of Israelis from the true faith.
Isaiah, Isaiah’s prophecy, the history of Egypt, God’s sermonReferences
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