Monotrinitarian Greeting in the Book of Revelation

Mirosław Rucki

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny Radom

Karol Szymański

Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna


In the paper, the attention is paid to the greeting directed to the readers of the Revelation in the passage 1:4-7. Its structure suggests that its source is not John who wrote the Book, but the Gog who presents Himself as a unity of three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The greeting focused most on Jesus Christ, his exceptional love towards humans and his mssion. Along with his appearance on the Earth, the process of bringing people back to God started. Monotrinitarian greeting introduces the reader to the reality of the eschatological future which would have been horrible if not the fact of limitless love and care expressed in the greeting.


Book of Revelation, God’s revelation, Trinity, the last judgement

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Cited by

Rucki, M., & Szymański, K. (2019). Monotrinitarian Greeting in the Book of Revelation. Scriptura Sacra, (19), 183–197. Retrieved from


Mirosław Rucki 


Karol Szymański 



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