1. The volume of the article: approximately 12 A4 pages
2. The typescript should meet the following formal requirements:
- Word program (files with extension *.doc or *.docx),
- A4 format, margins: all 2.5 cm each,
- Times New Roman font, size 12 pt, line spacing 1.5,
- avoid highlighting in the text, typed pages should be numbered; the numbering place is the right side in the bottom footer;
- when typing, you should include non-printable characters to watch out for, for example, the use of spaces several times,
- do not use: tabs, "hard spaces", "hard enters", page divisions, section divisions, columns, etc..;
- the text should be prepared carefully and correctly, observing all spelling, style and editing rules,
- the text should be justified (aligned to the margins),
- use the so-called printer's quotation marks ("sample word" instead of ''sample word'').
3. The typescript should be complete, i.e. it should include:
- title of the article in Polish and English, (12 pt, bold font, capital letters)
- abstract in Polish and English; the abstract may include about 800 characters including spaces
- key words in Polish and English (from 3 to 5 key words)
- main text (may be divided into numbered chapters, Arabic numbering),
- Bibliography (alphabetically, by authors' names, according to the Chicago system)
It is imperative to remove all Author data from the text.
Author's data are entered at the time of text submission through the UO Journals Platform (https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm) and must include:
- first and last name
- the country in which the Author works;
- affiliation;
- ORCID number as http, not only number
- source of funding for the research to which the publication relates
4. Citations and references to sources.
Citations and references should be prepared according to the so-called Chicago system. This means that literature references should be used in the main text by including in parentheses the name of the author of the work, the year of publication, and the pages of reference, e.g. (Słodczyk 2001, 54-55), and if a collective work is cited, the initial part of the title, the year of publication, and the pages of reference should be included in parentheses, e.g. (Transformations of Space... 2006, 45-49). Details of this style are provided in the instructions on the UO Periodicals Platform.
5. list and description of literature items:
The bibliography should be placed at the end of the entire work in alphabetical order. All works cited must be described. Description of literature items in accordance with the Chicago system.
Description of literature items:
Compact works (Books):
Single author:
- Bibliography: Surname, Name of author. Year of publication. Title of the work (in italics). Place: Name of the publisher.
Słodczyk, Janusz. 2012. Historia planowania i budowy miast. Opole: WUO.
(b) Footnote: (Sweet 2012, 24-27)
Two or three authors:
(a) Bibliography: Surname name, first name of author, and first name and surname name of second and third author. Year of publication. Title of the work (in italics). Place: Name of the publishing house.
Koziarski, Stanislaw and Radoslaw Wróbel. 2019. changes in the structure of land use of cities in Opole province, Opole: WUO.
(b) Footnote: (Koziarski and Wróbel 2019, 103).
Four and more authors:
(a) Bibliography: the bibliographic record contains only the Surname, First Name of the first author, along with annotation et al. ("et al.").
Zaucha, Jacek et al. 2015. territorial dimension of growth and development. Warsaw: Difin.
(b) Footnote: (Zaucha et al. 2015, 145).
Chapter in a collective monograph:
(a) Bibliography: Surname, First name of author. Year of publication. Title of chapter/article. In: Title of work (in italics), ed. full Name of editor(s), page range. Place: Name of publisher.
Szafranska, Ewa. 2008. human and social capital in urban space. The example of Łódź. In Mechanizmy i uwarunkowania budowania konkurencyjności miast, ed. Słodczyk Janusz, Szafranek Edyta, 67. Opole: WUO.
(b) Footnote: (Szafranska 2008, 67)
Journal article:
(a) Bibliography: Surname, First name of author. Year of publication. Title of article. Journal title (in italics), volume(number), page range.
Wojtowicz, Miroslaw. 2017. contemporary problem of urbanization and urban development in the Brazilian Amazon. Urban Studies, 29, 27-44.
(b) Footnote: (Wojtowicz 2017, 27-44).
Electronic publications:
Bibliography: Simon, Wieslaw. 2014. master Eckhart - mystic of everyday life. Accessed: 10.07.2014. http://www.deon.pl/religia/swiety-patron-dnia/art,151,mistrzeckhart-mistyk-codziennosci.html.
Footnote: (Szymona 2014)
Foreign-language works are given in the original language, and descriptive elements written in non-Latin alphabets should be given according to the rules of transliteration (if in doubt, please indicate the original title in the margin).
(6) Footnotes:
They may be used to supplement the main thrust of the reflection contained in the main text, at the bottom of the relevant pages with continuous numbering.
(7) Tables and figures:
- Should be included in the text as close as possible to where they are referenced,
- the source or information should be cited next to each cited table and figure: Source: compiled from......, if the table or figure is from a website then the date of access should be given;
- the title of the table should be given above the table and of the drawing below the drawing;
- tables and drawings with the title and source should fit in a text column, i.e. in a column measuring (after formatting) 12.5 x 19 cm,
- the drawing should be prepared on a white background, the individual elements of the drawing can be made in shades of gray such that the text contained in them is legible,
- text on the drawing - font Times New Roman 10 pt, spacing 1.0,
- drawings should be prepared in vector or raster form
- drawings in vector form should be prepared in Corell, Word or Excel - files with extension *.cdr, *.doc, *.xls, *.docx, *.xlsx (with attached data) in a form ready for printing with the possibility of making corrections to them after editorial editing,
- drawings made in Word should be grouped,
- in Excel charts with a large number of data should use pattern filling instead of colors
- drawings prepared in raster form - files with extension *.tiff, *.jpg must be high resolution (300 dpi).
(8) Text containing mathematical symbols and formulas - use the equation editor.
Editorial requirements
Statement for authors