Puste przestrzenie w funkcjonowaniu miast
Agnieszka Bernadeta Majorek
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicachhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7005-5045
The article presents different approaches to identifying the concept of empty spaces. The difficulty in defining them lies in the fact that one should look for “nothingness”. But what does it mean that a space is empty? Are there such spaces in cities? If so, what role do they play? The aim of the article is to define and indicate the characteristics of a special type of space, the so-called empty space. The results of the research concerning determination of the empty spaces in the City of Świętochłowice were presented, during which observations and unstructured interviews were used. In addition, the city spatial planning documents and its investments plans were analysed in order to define the functions that these spaces perform in the city.
empty spaces, spatial planning, function in the city, urban voidsReferences
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