Behavioral economics: theoretical background and opportunities for urban practice

Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz

Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej


Behavioural economics still constitutes one of the newest conceptions in the theory of economy.
Even though, it has been well-welcomed by urban researchers, mainly due to the opportunities it presents
for its practical use. The presented paper will point to the achievements of this concept in urban research, by
stressing not only the assumptions of behavioural economics, but above all – the ways of using it to analyse
changes occurring in cities. The article points to the theoretical achievements which may seem important for
the urban economy but also to practical solutions resulting from the rejection of the assumption of rational
behaviour of entities in the economy. An important part of the presented argument are also recommendations for the design of behavioural urban interventions, resulting from the review of implemented experience.


behavioral economics, behavioral public interventions, urban management, public policies

Szczech-Pietkiewicz, E. (2020). Behavioral economics: theoretical background and opportunities for urban practice. Studia Miejskie, 40, 27–39.


Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz



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