Małgorzata CZORNIK
Over a half ofworld population lives in cities which, as main life centres, are the most important places of consumption. In urban areas the majority of recognised needs is satisfied and there are still created new ones. The demand for city determines a set of offered products interesting for different clients also clients from outside. In the practice ofday-to-day behaviour the city offer as an object of overlocal activities is aset of goods and services satisfying needs of outside entities. The city offer is madę up of products manufactured in the city
or available on its area (imported). The buyers are not the citizens and their interests may be different than city goals.
Gty consumption earns on overlocal clients but at the expense of citys own resources. The account is positive only outwardly. Hardly anyone thinks about it or calculates, how costly for the citizens noise, congestion, stress, hastę, continuous competing for the best place, resources, policy effectiveness or propagated
patterns are
city functions, overlocal offer, city consumptionReferences
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Małgorzata CZORNIKStatistics
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