One ofthe main thought enclosed in this article is a thesis, that a ‘place’ still play a very significant role in a world ofmodern global economy. Global socioeconomic reality characterize a specific level of
innovative processes concentration, namely the social practices, that result in formation of new knowledge,
processes and technologies. Cities comprise a significant ‘component’ ofinnovation generation (technological, social, cultural). In the city center called technopolis the processes offorming innovational technologies are constructed. Globalization is a highly ambiguous process. It is a base of two rather distinct processes: „flatting the world" and „world clustering". With reference to the first process, the category of phisical place is ignored to some extent in global analysis of Capital, people and knowledge flow. World is perceived as a global system with a domination of horizontal socioeconomical webs. In case of “world concentration” we deal with a high diversity of place/citymagnetism level. Where the groups are focused depends on the ability of generating and propagating knowledge and innovation, and it is a new dimension of global ineąualities - ineąualities in generating innovations. This process of concentrating people in specific cities can also be considered as a conseąuence offunctional diversity city space on a global level.
To refer to the establishments ofthe American sociologist and economist Richard Florida, the conception of network society Manuel Castells and some arrangements from the innovation sociology of Bruno Latour, I will try to outline a map of a global diversity of innovational processes and define a social and structural determinants of building metropolitan innovation systems.
global diversification, innovations, mega-region, creative class, innovation sociology, creativity, Richard Florida, Bruno LatourReferences
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