Changes in the Structure of Services in the Poznań Agglomeration Over the Years 1996-2007


The political, social and economic changes initiated in Poland in 1989 provided a basis for a dynamie development of services. The 1990s were characterised by rapidly growing service employment; over the years 1990-2006 its proportion rosę from 37% to 54%. There was also an inerease in the contribution of the service sector to gross value added. In 2006 the service sector generated 65% of national income, as against 54% in 1990. The development of the service sector in Poland varied regionally, high dynamics being displayed by voivodeships with big urban agglomerations: Mazovia, Wielkopolska and Małopolska. The aim of the article is to characterise changes in the service sector  o f the Poznań agglomeration over the years 1996-2007. First, the structure of the service sector in the Poznań agglomeration (as divided into a core and a peripheral zone) is presented. Next, an attempt is made to identify differences in the transformation of services in terms of the Poznań - periphery division and by communes making up the peripheral zonę of the agglomeration.


service sector, agglomeration, employment structure

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Cited by

Dominiak, J. (2020). Changes in the Structure of Services in the Poznań Agglomeration Over the Years 1996-2007. Studia Miejskie, 2, 95–104. Retrieved from


Joanna Dominiak



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