Thanatotopography of Memory in the Public Space of Poznań

Roman Matykowski

Magdalena Dura


The aim of the study is to characterise the distribution of some places of sudden death in Poznań, especially those commemorating victims of road accidents and casualties of historical events (e.g. the period of the Nazi occupation, the social protests of 1956, and the martial-law period). There is also a survey of some conceptions of cultural geography and associated disciplines dealing with such places.


thanatotopograhy of memory, monuments, urban public space

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Cited by

Matykowski, R., & Dura, M. (2020). Thanatotopography of Memory in the Public Space of Poznań. Studia Miejskie, 2, 231–242. Retrieved from


Roman Matykowski


Magdalena Dura 



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