Lodz after the 20 Years of Transformation - Achievements and the Prospects of Further Development


In the middle of 90.ties of XX century the City of Lodz experienced dramatic collapse of its economy. The crisis occurred far more intense than in other big cities in Poland. The crucial factor that caused this unfavourable situation, was the breakdown of light industry, predominant in Lodz agglomeration. That was also the reason of fall down of other industries related with the main branch, such as mechanical engineering or chemical industry. For Lodz society it was the time of high rate of unemployment, decrease of income, decline the standard of living. For local authorities the crisis caused increase of public expenditure for transfer benefits. More over economic capacity of the city collapsed. Twenty years of change in every sphere of city’s existence enabled to overcome the crisis and start up the processes of slow but substantial transition. Exploiting existing, internal potential as well as undertaking the effort to attract external capital, the city commenced the process of transition in economic and social sphere. As a result, the effective and diversified socio-economic system has been built. The new economy gave stabile and relatively resistant basis for further city development. The aim of the article is to present the main activities that have been undertaken in Lodz to change the unfavourable situation of the city in last twenty years. The text concentrates on those achievements which are crucial as far as further development of the city is concerned.


trasformation, regional politics, Lodz

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Cited by

Stawasz, D., & Banachowicz, B. (2020). Lodz after the 20 Years of Transformation - Achievements and the Prospects of Further Development. Studia Miejskie, 4, 139–152. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2280


Beata Banachowicz 



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