A model of transformation of a post-socialist city – a case study of Lodz


This article is dedicated to socio-economic transformation in post-socialist cities in Poland. Author presents a proposal of a model of changes based on the analysis of the situation in Lodz. The first part of this article presents a concise introduction to the characteristics of the main directions of transformation in Lodz. The next section proposed a model of transformation of Lodz after 1989. The main factors of transformation are presented in two groups called internal and external factors of changes.


Post-socialist city, Lodz, socio-economic transformation, model

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Cited by

Cudny, W. (2020). A model of transformation of a post-socialist city – a case study of Lodz. Studia Miejskie, 4, 153–159. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2282



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