The demographic aging of cities in Opole province

Joanna Dybowska


The article presented includes the characteristics of demographic ageing process in cities of Opole in years 1960–2007 based on the percentage share of aged 60+ in the total population and on ADL index (advanced old age index ) i.e. proportion of aged people (80 years old and more) to the whole group of people over 60 years old. Opole Voivodeship, formed in 1950, on the joined to Poland after World War II, is populated by the people of various regional roots. Two main groups can be identified: immigrant population and natives. The immigrant population settling on the territory of Opole voivodeship represented the demographically younger structure than the natives. It influenced further process of demographic changes including the present state of advanced demographic old age. In years 1950–2007 the demographic process of ageing in cities of Opole was progressing, reducing at the same time the differences in the scale of ageing between the cities on the territory populated by immigrants and the cities on the territory populated by the natives. The percentage share of aged 60+ in the total population decreased in the group of cities where natives dominated whereas the percentage share of aged 60+ in the total population increased in the cities on the territories populated by the immigrants.


ageing, migration, the percentage share of aged 60 in the total population, advanced old age index

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Cited by

Dybowska, J. (2020). The demographic aging of cities in Opole province. Studia Miejskie, 4, 203–214. Retrieved from


Joanna Dybowska 



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