
Currently in big cities throughout the world one can observe phenomena which change traditional form of the organisation of urban space. Individual needs of inhabitants and newcomers urge the processes of transformation which could be named fragmentation and specialization of the public space. This reflects social segregation and qualitative zoning of the urban space. The key questions which form the background of the study are as follows: What values define the urban today space? How should we design the space for the purpose of creation the harmonize city? Culture understand as knowledge and spiritual achievements of society and the system of its moral values being the pattern of people’s behavior should create the background for the process of shaping and managing the urban space.


urban space, public space, culture of management

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Cited by

KACZMAREK, S. (2020). THE CULTURE OF URBAN SPACE MANAGEMENT. Studia Miejskie, 5, 9–17. Retrieved from





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