Magdalena WDOWICKA
Globalisation embraces primarily those cities which are the main nodes of the global economic network. It is there that great transnational corporations locate their activity, an intensive information exchange takes place, and the largest global flows are recorded. Cities strive to adapt their economic and spatial structure to the requirements of the competitive global economy by undertaking huge infrastructural investments and developing new forms of economic space organisation, including scientific-technological parks, high-quality spaces providing services to manufacturers and business, and modern office sectors where headquarters of global corporations, international economic organisations and financial institutions are concentrated. The aim of this paper is to analyse the resources of modern business space, in particular high-quality office premises and technological parks, in Polish cities in the age of globalisation.
city, globalisation of economy, transnational corporations, offce market, technological parksReferences
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Magdalena WDOWICKAStatistics
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