Metropolization and sustainable development

Lukasz Pater


The author of this article describes the relation between metropolization and the sustainable development. Firstly, the definitions of both are quoted with a description of conditions present in Poland that affect on the character of metropolization. Because of these conditions the traditional theoretical view of relations between metropolitan center and metropolitan region is proper. The characteristics of this view are shown by presentation of theories of polarized growth and net theory. Subsequently, special attention is given to polarization which seems to be inseparably bond to metropolization. Socioeconomical polarization can be a serious obstacle in preserving sustainable development but it can also catalyze this type of development. This opportunity is a result of a specific logic of industrial development which is embodied in creation of new centers of development, which to some extent are metropolises. There are also shown the results of analysis made in Polish cities that can be treated as a basis in describing the relation between metropolization and the sustainable development.


Metropolization, sustainable development, socioeconomical polarization, city politics

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Cited by

Pater, L. (2020). Metropolization and sustainable development. Studia Miejskie, 4, 283–302. Retrieved from


Lukasz Pater 



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