The causes behind the growth in the demographic potential of a small city


During the past 20 years Poland’s population has undergone demographic changes, which led to a decline in the number of its citizens. This tendency is of a country-wide character, however some deviations are possible. The analysis concerns Mikolów, a small town of the Silesian Voivodeship. In the recent years natural population movement has resulted in this town’s population growth rate being positive. The migration balance has also been positive. Due to the positive real population growth the number of Mikolów’s citizens is growing. This tendency is different than in other towns of the Silesian Voivodeship and also in most of the Polish towns. Mikolów benefits from a certain kind of location rent, being located south from the center of Upper Silesia. In search of factors behind the above transformations, the analysis of housing market was conducted. The growing number of construction permits issued to individual investors, who are not Mikolów commune’s citizens, confirms the earlier supposition. People who so far have inhabited other big cities in the centre of the Voivodeship are now placing their housing investments in Mikolów. Therefore, due to the advantageous course of natural population movement and to the influx of citizens from other communes the population of this town may keep increasing.


small city, demographic potential, growth

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Cited by

Rączaszek, A. (2020). The causes behind the growth in the demographic potential of a small city. Studia Miejskie, 4, 191–201. Retrieved from


Andrzej Rączaszek



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