The determinants of development in the Ciudad de Guatemala metropolitan area


A metropolitan area is a region whose development is determined by an array of different factors ranging from environmental, social, and economic factors to all types of political and administrative conditions. The process of metropolitan growth is closely associated with globalization processes and is most clearly apparent in countries that have joined the global economy in recent decades. The article is based on a demarcation where the AMCG includes eight boroughs. This is the optimal version that is found most often in the literature. The paper includes an analysis of barriers facing the Guatemala City metropolitan area as well as an attempt at identifying opportunities that could help the AMCG develop more rapidly and in a more comprehensive manner. A number of indicators have been taken into consideration. These include the level of social development, the availability of services, access to public transportation, as well as the region’s tourist potential. The paper identifies boroughs that may become part of the AMCG in the future as well as those that are already a part of it but need to undergo social or economic transformation.


metropolitan area, Guatemala, AMCG

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Cited by

Winiarczyk-Raźniak, A. (2020). The determinants of development in the Ciudad de Guatemala metropolitan area. Studia Miejskie, 4, 225–238. Retrieved from


Anna Winiarczyk-Raźniak



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