Determinant factors and fields Of application telematics solutions Within intelligent transport systems in cities

Ewa Ciepaj


The article brings up a question about application of logistics concept to flow management of people and goods within the urban area. The question appears as a city can be considered in the context of logistics systems, in which system approach and process orientation can be applied. In the article the author indicates determinants of implementation of intelligent transport system in the city. There are also presented aims and assumptions of ITS as well as benefits. Moreover, an attempt have been made to identify potential fields of urban transport system where telematics solutions can bring measurable benefits in terms of economics, environment or safety.


telematics, logistics system, flow-orientation, congestion

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Cited by

Ciepaj, E. (2020). Determinant factors and fields Of application telematics solutions Within intelligent transport systems in cities. Studia Miejskie, 6, 31–39. Retrieved from


Ewa Ciepaj 



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