PRT systems as a chance for radical improvement transportation in the city
Analyzing the effciency of contemporary public transport, one candetermine major or minor problems in almost every city. Cars are used only for a dozen or so minutes every day, and usually by no more than one person. The rest of the time, they require parking spaces, which occupy the difficult to save up city space. An alternative for them is group transport. But contemporary types of public transport, such as buses, streetcars, and the subway do not quite fulfill their functions. These difficulties force engineers to search for newer and more effective solutions, based on individual infrastructure. One of those solutions are the PRT systems. The aim of this paper is to present new types of public transport, such as PRT systems, and comparing their capabilities with other types of public transportation. The first chapters of this paper are dedicated to generally characterize the PRT systems, their features and history. The further part introduces the polish outlook on this specific type of transportation MISTER. The paper ends with an efficiency simulation of MISTER in Opole.
PRT, urban transport, energy efficient transport, traffic reduction, elevated guideways, computer controlled vehicles, MISTER, throughput analysisReferences
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