Influence of bike-share system for sustainable transport On the example of the Opole on bikes.

Paweł Drynda


Bike-share system is a system, which provides a cheap access to bicycles on the short sections in the urban space. The first bicycle sharing system was started in 1960 in Amsterdam. Actually in the world work more than 200 bike-shares. The first system in Poland was started in Krakow. A bicycle is one of the foundations of sustainability transport. It has a good influence for economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability. An implementation of bike-share system is planned in Opole too. Within the project Opole on bikes has been conducted the study about ability of application the system in this city. For this purpose were analyzed both infrastructural and social conditions.


bike, bicycle, bike-share system, bicycle sharing system, sustainability transport, Opole on bike

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Cited by

Drynda, P. (2020). Influence of bike-share system for sustainable transport On the example of the Opole on bikes. Studia Miejskie, 6, 105–115. Retrieved from


Paweł Drynda 



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