The development of Residential housing as the symptom of suburbanization in Lower Silesia district

Marian Maciejuk


The recent years in Poland are characterized by intensive suburbanization processes of medium sized towns and especially large agglomerations. it manifests itself in depopulation of central towns and the increase of population inhabiting suburban areas. The hereby article presents the results of studies regarding population development of four Lower Silesian towns and their surrounding districts. it refers to the towns of Jelenia Gora, Legnica, Walbrzych and Wroclaw. The analysis of suburban areas population development was performed in relation to new residential housing. The research confirmed close relation between residential housing and town surrounding areas suburbanization processes. Wroclaw agglomeration suburban zone presents the quickest development.


urbanization, suburbanization, urban sprawl, residential housing

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Cited by

Maciejuk, M. (2020). The development of Residential housing as the symptom of suburbanization in Lower Silesia district. Studia Miejskie, 8, 87–94. Retrieved from


Marian Maciejuk 



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