The role of urban public transport in Opole in the light of survey research

Ewa Ciepaj


This article describes the characteristics of urban public transport and indicates the changes in ways of making urban trips in Polish cities, with taking into consideration especially Opole. The article also presents the results of survey research, which aim was to get to know frequency of using the urban public transport by Opole inhabitants as well as impact of social-work status on choosing the mean of transport in urban trips. The author pointed out the reasons of resigning from and motives of choosing urban public transport by Opole inhabitants.


urban public transport, urban trips, individual transport

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Cited by

Ciepaj, E. (2020). The role of urban public transport in Opole in the light of survey research. Studia Miejskie, 10, 25–35. Retrieved from


Ewa Ciepaj 



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