Horse racing as part of the urban system – selected elements


Horse racing is one of the basic elements of the horse industry. Their implementation requires the development of appropriate infrastructure (race track) mostly within the city. For horse racing to reach their objectives of economic and zootechnical need their managers interact with the local authorities, especially in the transport system of the city and a suitable hippodrome’s location. cooperation of these entities can bring mutual benefits, in the form of the development of this type of activity and related activities and revenues generated by the betting to be concluded at the races. The purpose of this article is to present the concept of horse racing and the basic infrastructure elements forming them, as well as betting which are an integral part of this type of activity. This article is based on empirical research and literature conducted by the author in 2006, in the horse business.


horse racing, betting, hippodrome’s location, infrastructure

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Cited by

Wincewicz-Bosy, M. (2020). Horse racing as part of the urban system – selected elements. Studia Miejskie, 10, 103–112.


Marta Wincewicz-Bosy



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