Improving of living conditions in Polish and Central European cities and post-socialist urban district according to the concept of the ReNewTown projekt

Grzegorz Węcławowicz

Magdalena Wątorska-Dec


The paper presents a summation of analyses made during the realisation of the project ReNewTown, tens of models and so called good practices, realised and conducted in the space of post-socialist cities in Poland and Central Europe after 1989. The 12 most interesting solutions were selected which can became a model for better management of cities in the future. These models and good practices aimed at improving of living conditions in post-socialist districts and cities have become an element of empirical verification of the concept of a post-socialist city.


ReNewTown, model, good practice, socialist city, post-socialist city, living conditions

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Cited by

Węcławowicz, G., & Wątorska-Dec, M. (2020). Improving of living conditions in Polish and Central European cities and post-socialist urban district according to the concept of the ReNewTown projekt. Studia Miejskie, 12, 35–43.


Grzegorz Węcławowicz


Magdalena Wątorska-Dec 



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