The aim of the article is to assess the pedestrian accessibility to parks situated within the boundaries of Łódź. 43 park layouts of the total surface of 574.6 ha were inventoried in the analyzed are (;;, of which 13 are historical (Studium…2010; Wycichowska 2008). The outcome of the analyses was presentation of the number of inhabitants within 0-5,
5-10 and 10-15-minute isochrones from the parks. To achieve this, the author used data from the City of Łódź Office. It was established that the largest concentration of potential park users (pre-working and postworking age population) can be found in the city centre and its vicinity. Regrettably, cultivated green areas occupy only a small surface there. Over half of the city inhabitants (56.3%) live within walking distance of parks. The largest number of people inhabit the areas near Staromiejski Park and Podolski Park. In turn, Nad Nerem Park (on the Ner River) in the south-western part of the city is characterized by the lowest pedestrian accessibility for Łódź inhabitants.
green areas, parks, Łódź, pedestrian accessibilityReferences
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