Financing environment protection and inhabitants’ quality of life in Poland and its neighbour countries

Beata Skowron-Grabowska


The purpose of the article is compare level of financing environmental protection in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Lithuania in regard to public institutions responsible for city logistics as well as to the enterprises. The environment protection issues is present in many publications especially with the background in logistics as well as social issues, connected with life quality. Financing ecological actions means fulfilling duties coming from the European Union accessing agreement as well as influence on the city inhabitants life quality in Poland. The relevance of the above mentioned issues is the motivation to evaluate one of environmental issues, which is structure and quantity of financial expenditure. Decision about quantity and quality of realized tasks in the research influence od city inhabitants life.


environment protection, city logistics, financing environmental actions

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Cited by

Skowron-Grabowska, B. (2020). Financing environment protection and inhabitants’ quality of life in Poland and its neighbour countries. Studia Miejskie, 15, 21–29. Retrieved from


Beata Skowron-Grabowska 



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