The study of demand for passenger rail services on the example of the city of Wrocław

Katarzyna Topolska

Andrzej Bujak

Mariusz Topolski


Thematic scope was to review the possibility of implementation of the urban rapid rail in Wrocław. We analyzed both the demand side and the supply side as the passenger transport market in Wrocław. The analysis focuses on the verification of actual passenger traffc generation sources. These sources generally divided into the settlement network, the units of economic activity generating commuting and other units of cultural, educational, health, shopping, etc. As a result of the analysis, presented their own concept of rail the urban. Wrocław is a city which for many years did not hide his ambition to become the aspiration of a European metropolis. It must be admitted that the political changes effected in 1989, indeed see a very dynamic development of the city. This development is multidimensional in nature and applies to both spheres of economic, cultural and social. After many years enormous transport infrastructure undergoes intense modernization.



city logistics, transportation, transport systems

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Cited by

Topolska, K., Bujak, A., & Topolski, M. (2020). The study of demand for passenger rail services on the example of the city of Wrocław. Studia Miejskie, 15, 63–78. Retrieved from


Katarzyna Topolska 


Andrzej Bujak 


Mariusz Topolski 



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