Suburbanization of medium sized towns in Poland based on the example
of Jelenia Góra region in the period 1995–2013

Marian Maciejuk


Recent years in Poland have been characterized by contrasting trends in population development. Big towns and their neighbourhoods, which create agglomerations, have been playing the role of magnets for people. Small and medium sized towns are characterized by different processes of population development. In this situation the trend of abandoning towns has been observed. This results from such factors as negative birth rate and negative migration balance. The objective of the hereby article is to identify phenomena occurring in population development – called suburbanization – based on the example of Jelenia Góra town and the surrounding communes, included in jeleniogórski rural district.


urbanization, suburbanization, urban sprawl

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Cited by

Maciejuk, M. (2020). Suburbanization of medium sized towns in Poland based on the example
of Jelenia Góra region in the period 1995–2013. Studia Miejskie, 20, 141–153. Retrieved from


Marian Maciejuk 



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