Family allotment gardens as an element of green infrastructure in the Poznan agglomeration
Magdalena Szczepańska
Michał Krzyżaniak
Dariusz Świerk
Piotr Urbański
Family allotment gardens are an important component of urban green areas, fulfilling many important functions both in the city and its inhabitants. In the past 10 years it has been a decline in the number of allotments in all provinces. Contemporary gardens are losing production functions for decorative and recreational activities. The article presents the status of quantitative and qualitative spatial allotments in the area of the agglomeration, analyzing the data of the Polish Association of Allotment and the results of surveys conducted among gardeners and residents. Based on the information gathered, it was an attempt to formulate policy recommendations for spatial agglomeration. In light of the long and rich tradition of allotment gardens and the experience of developed countries in the field of urban agriculture, should be avoided liquidation allotments and look for them new functions of both a social and productive. In politics, spatial agglomeration specify the functioning of allotment gardens, especially those in urban centers, closely formulating the terms of use and nature of the shape of the space – with particular emphasis on the aesthetic and the context of the neighborhood.
allotment gardens, green areas, green infrastructure, public gardens, urban agricultureReferences
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