The effectiveness of urban regeneration. Determinants, indices and perspectives

Sylwia Kaczmarek


The revitalization of urban areas in different European regions has been held for over 30 years, while in Poland it is carried out with varying intensity in the regions for over 15 years. Following research questions were formulated: How is it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the revitalization process carried out in a specific location? What determines the success of the method of the implementation of revitalization programs? Is it possible to prepare the set of universal parameters which constitute the monitoring system of the process? Based on the overview of revitalization projects realized in cities world wide the identification and analysis of the evaluation methods used for the process has been carried out. In conclusion, the new approach to the revitalization evaluation has been proposed which allows to identify its effectiveness, called revitalization evaluation formula.



revitalization, urban areas, revitalization evaluation formula

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Cited by

Kaczmarek, S. (2020). The effectiveness of urban regeneration. Determinants, indices and perspectives. Studia Miejskie, 17, 27–35. Retrieved from


Sylwia Kaczmarek 



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